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Worship Track

Major Update!!! I am now taking Worship Track with CGA. This is a last minute change, but it has been a long time in the making. I was planning on taking the Missions Track, but over the last month or so, have had some major changes. With discovering my calling last semester, The Lord is calling me to learn more about how to walk into my calling. 

As you may have read, last semester I learned about my desire to see sons and daughters of the Father walk into restoration with their relationship with Him. Last semester the Worship track shared some of what they learned and led worship one night. I felt so in touch with Daddy and how much He loves me. I know that taking Worship track this semester will allow me to learn how to become more intimate with the Father and learn how he loves each and every one of us. Then I can use what I experience and learn to show that love to His children. 


I will also be using this opportunity to learn music and an instrument or two. I have never learned an instrument and always wanted to. I have stepped out in faith and purchased a ukulele. I have begun to practice and am loving it. 

The classes will entail some music theory, instrument lessons, and leading worship. It will also incorporate some unique forms of worship. We will do a little painting, dancing, and much more. These classes will be three times a week. And I will still be interning in the Long Term Missions department. 

I will still be learning about missions and eventually go into the field as a full time missionary. The timeline has just shifted slightly. I cannot express how much I appreciate all of the support and love you have shown me. Know you are loved and prayed for. If you have any questions about the change, please feel free to email me: [email protected]