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I have been here in Gainesville for three months now. I have been learning about so much and am in love with the people here and totally on board with what Adventures in Missions is doing. They have goals and are expanding in so many ways. However, I will be talking about my futuure beyond CGA.

Over these months, I have been asked several times by different people what my plan is once I am done. Questions like, “How are you going to support yourself after this?”, “Where will you go next?”, “What about a job?”, “How about saving for  your future?”. So many very good and serious questions. How do I answer these?

The simple answer is, “I don’t know.” But, it is not simple at all. There are things I dream of doing or want to do. I want to travel some more. I want to finish my tour of every MLB franchise. I hope to one day end up in Japan doing The Lord’s work. Each of these have there own challenges. Mainly, financially. How do I continue traveling?

Well, if I continue serving in missions, it could happen through that. This still requires me to continue fundraising. It is a challenge for me, but I have seen the Lord provide is amazing ways over the course of the last year and a half.

This leads into my long term plans. Beyond May of next year, I have no clue what I will be doing. This bothers a lot of the people I talk with. They feel I should be planning and prepared for my future. Anything could happen and if you aren’t prepared, what will happen then?

This is a fear that the world has instilled in us. I am not saying you shouldn’t  plan and prepare for the future. That is a very wise and sound practice. I am suggesting that some are called to abandon this idea and begin to become fully reliant on the Father. This is where trust and faith collide and you begin to learn to hear the difference between the world speaking in your head and what the Father says through the Spirit.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”  – Jeremiah 29:11-13 (NIV)

I have learned that when I surrender myself to the Father’s will and plan, He guides my life and I no longer have to stress and worry about what I will do next.

Does this terrify me? Yes. When I let my human self take control and doubt creeps in. It can be paralyzing if I do not immediately surrender those thoughts to the Lord and continue to listen to Him.

I don’t expect everyone to understand. I have spent a year and a half learning to let go and to not rely on myself. It has been a difficult journey of learning, brokenness, and growth. All of which I would not change for the world.

So, although i have no current plans for the future, there are plans for me for the future. He has a grand plan for me to follow and it will be a beautiful journey.