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It’s that time of year again. Time to contemplate on things you are grateful for. I have had so much happen in the last few months alone. So here is my thankful list.

  • First, I am thankful that my laptop started working to write this blog. For weeks my keyboard has malfunctioned and a dozen keys would not work. When time came to write this blog, BOOM, it just started working again. Praise Jesus.
  • I am thankful for the community I have had here at CGA. They have encouraged and challenged me. I have learned more about myself as a friend and a leader.
  • I am thankful for the leadership here at Adventures. They have created the training and the course content to help guide us through our growth and learning process. They have developed a great program that can only get better.
  • I am thankful for the men of The Peninsula. We have dove into life with each other. We have been vulnerable and accountable to each other. This has allowed us to grow in trust and in our spiritual walk.
  • I am thankful for my supporters. Each person who has donated to my journey from the World Race until now in CGA has helped me in my growth and my walk with The Father.
  • I am very thankful for my family. They have been so supportive and loving. My parents are always asking how they can help. My sister is encouraging me to keep going and follow the father in love.
  • I am thankful for the provision of the Father. There were times I thought I would not be able to do certain things and the Lord brought someone or something around to provide. First was a car. I had no car and needed one to get myself around. Dana was going to Brazil exactly the same amount of time I will be at CGA, so I get to use her car. I have yet to pay for a movie here in GA. I’ve seen three movies and all have been free. Either leadership has paid for it, our house mentor has paid for it, or my team wins a movie gift card in a scavenger hunt. Thank you Daddy.
  • I am thankful for the opportunities I have had to grow in my ability to hear the Holy Spirit. There have been many times that we as apprentices have been encouraged to go into the community and act on what The Spirit puts in us to do. There have been some awesome stories from these events. It has helped us learn to do the same in every day life.
  • I am thankful for sickness and health. I struggled with sickness for almost two weeks and am now just getting over it. It forced me to rest and spend time alone and with the Father. I learned quite a bit during that time.

There is so much more I am thankful for and I could continue for quite awhile. I just wanted to give you a glimpse of what I am most thankful for right now . Next week, I will be taking a break to spend time with family, but I will have a CGA summary blog coming next month. It will show you everything I did during my time here at CGA. Stay tuned.