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Here’s a little of what I learned this week on influence.

Everyone has it. Each person has some level of influence on those around them. You may be more influential in certain areas while others are in a different area. Then you have the people who are extremely influential and just command a room. There are different levels of influence, but remember that each of us have it.

Influence is good. Having influence is a great thing. You can guide a situation, change the atmosphere of a room, or lead a team. The key is how you use your influence. You have to choose to be positively influential. There are times where your mood might affect the mood of those around you. I’m not saying you are responsible for how others react to you, but once you realize the influence you have, you can use it in amazing ways.

Influence happens in the failures. It is not when you fall that you gain your influence, it is how you get back up that truly defines your influence. There will be bad days. Things will knock you down. People will be watching not to see you fail, but to see how you recover. A great recovery makes a bad fall fade into the background. People will not remember the fall, but how you recovered.

Influence takes effort. There are times when peoples pre-conceived notions of you create barriers to your influence on them. They may perceive you as overbearing or up on a pedestal and think you are to unapproachable to be influential. You may need to share a story that makes you more down to earth. The other end is that people may perceive you as unqualified, too quiet, or inept in areas and that can affect how your influence reaches them. Here you might share some of your qualifications or experiences that dissolve these barriers. In either scenario, you need to break down these barriers to put yourself on the same playing field and capable of spreading your influence.

Influence is a gift. You didn’t do anything to gain your influence. Influence is not respect. You can’t do anything to create influence. It was something always in you. Because it is a gift, you cannot be prideful in your influence. You must steward it well and remember not to let it become who you are.

It is not your identity. Your influence on others is not who you are. Your ability to command a room, lead people in a project, or determine the course a group will take is not what makes you, you. Your influence comes from who you are. It is in knowing who you are that you can be confident in yourself and be able to healthily influence others properly.

Think about the people in your circle of influence. There are people you encounter constantly. This is your core, like those in your work or class. Then the next ring are people you encounter regularly. Family, friends, and those you spend a little less time around. The outer ring are people you have no direct influence over and cannot interact with directly. These are people that read your blogs, hear about you from others, see videos, or just hear stories about you. You have no direct contact with them, but have influence indirectly.

Ask these questions;

How would you describe your influence in these circles?

How can you break down some barriers that might prevent others from entering your circle of influence?

Remember that having influence is a part of everyone, but how you use your influence can be either for the betterment of everyone or not.

RESPONSIBILITY = RESPONSE + ABILITY : Your ability to respond in situations defines your true responsibility.